Windows 98
Microsoft Desktop, Web browsers and Internet, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 98, Windows Firewall and networking, Windows Vista, Windows XP - Monday, February 8, 2010 18:09 - 0 Comments
Disable Proxy settings in IE
This is how to disable the proxy settings in Internet Explorer (all versions):
1) Under “Tools” in the browser tool bar select “Internet Options”.
2) In the “Internet Options” window that pops up, click the “Connections” tab at the top.
3) Click “LAN Settings” near the bottom of the “Connections” section.
4) If the “Proxy server” checkbox is marked with a check, click it to deselect/uncheck it.
5) Click “Ok” to close the “Local Area Network (LAN) Settings” window.
6) Click “Ok” to close the “Internet Options” window.
You have now successfully removed the proxy settings for Internet Explorer for Windows!
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