Reset passwords on a catalyst switch
Recovering resetting passwords for Cisco Catalyst switches
Password recovery is possible and can be done following the procedure described below. Note that the procedure below is only for the Cisco Catalyst Layer 2 fixed configuration switches 2900XL/3500XL, 2940, 2950/2955, 2960, and 2970 Series, as well as the Cisco Catalyst Layer 3 fixed configuration switches 3550, 3560, and 3750 Series.
Password Recovery/Resetting
1. A terminal or a PC with terminal emulation should be attached to the console port with the following
terminal settings
A.Bits per second – 9600
B.Data Bits: 8
C.Parity: None
D.Stop Bits: 1
E.Flow Control: Xon / Xoff
2. Unplug the power cable and power on the switch
3. Go to the switch:prompt by
A.For 2900XL, 3500XL, and 3550 release the Mode button when the LED above Port 1x goes out
B.For 2940, 2950 release the Mode button after 5 seconds when the status LED goes out, the SYST
LED should be amber
C.For 2960,2970 release the Mode button when the SYST LED blinks amber and then turns solid
green, the SYST LED should blink green
D.For 3560, 3750 release the Mode button after 15 seconds when the SYST LED turns solid green,
the SYST LED should blink green.
4. Type the flash_init command
5. Type the load_helper command
6. Type the dir_flash: command
7. Type the rename flash:config.text flash:config.old which will rename the configuration file
8. Now type the boot command to load the system
9. When prompted to abort the initial configuration dialog answer with n
10. Follow the on screen directions answering with n and pressing [enter]
11. Type the en command to enter enable mode.
12. Type the rename flash:config.old flash:config.text command to rename the file to the old name
13. Type the copy flash:config.text system:running-config command to copy the configuration file into
14. Type the conf t command to start overwriting passwords
A.Enable secret <secret password>
B.Enable password <enable password>
C.Line vty 0 15, then password <vty password> then login
D.Line con 0, then password <console password>
15. Type the write memory command to write the running configuration to the configuration file
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