Basic HTML tag tutorial
basic HTML tags
There are two type of basic HTML tags. One set affects the way the page is cataloged, or even how it is referenced by search engines, and the other set are the most often used tags to define the contents of a page body or header. The first list of HTML commands includes the actual top level page definitions, such as the type of document, it’s title, meta tags to define the contents, and the body of the document. The document body is where most other HTML coding will be performed, but the sections mentioned here are critical elements in SEO design of websites. Remember that every tag which is invoked needs to be closed. This is usually done by using the / on the command from the opening tag. <title> would be closed by </title>, <html> by </html>, etc.
1. Every webpage written in HTML should begin with <html>, and end with </html>.
This identifies the type of document being served. Other document type are allowed, but they should always identify the file type to the servers which process it.
2. <head></head>
This is the document header. It contains information parsed by the server, and by spiders and other bots. The page title, which is displayed at the top of a browser window or tab, is defined in this section, using the <title>Basic HTML Tags Fro Page Layout</title> commands. Using <meta></meta> tags, a page can pass information on to the server and spiders. This information includes a page description, what keywords that page is identified to, and various page creation information. Begin the section with <head>, and then the <title> tags. Follow that with all <meta></meta> information you want to use. Finally, closed the header section with the </head> tag.
SEO rules are applied to all entries in the header sections. This is how you are asking your site to be indexed by visiting bots and crawlers. <meta> tags are considered of importance to SEO, and primary tags should be used. Some say this has less weight for spiders than it once did, but including the proper information will always be a part of good solid page design.
3. <body></body>
This is where the content is found. In it’s barest form, words can simply be placed between the </body></body> tags, although a great deal of formatting is possible, and is usually made use of. A list of formatting commands is given separate to to this article. There are a few tags that are specific to the body of a document. These tags should be used at the beginning of the body section, before the document content.
<body bgcolor: color> Color can be a named color “blue”, or a hexadecimal code. This sets the background color for the document.
<body alink:color> This is the color of active links, also called anchor links.
<body topmargin:number> Defines how much empty space to leave at the top of the page.
<body leftmargin:number> Defines how much indentation the page has by default. All future indentation is based on this as the margin.
The body section should be rich in content, and heavily seeded with keywords. It should read naturally to a human, so keep your keywords down to maybe 8% density at the most. Anything more than that, and you are obviously targeting spiders. This is the section where all outbound links are placed, using <a href=”any-url”>Document Anchor Link</a>.
A basic page would look something like this:
<title>Keyword Specific Title</title>.
<META NAME=”description” CONTENT=”HTML basic page design tags”></meta>
<META NAME=”keywords” CONTENT=”html, hypertext markup language></meta>
<- You may use multiple meta tags. Good HTML form is to end each tag with /meta ->
<meta name=” ” content=” “></meta>
<body bgcolor = gray>
When you leave here, <a href=””>visit this site for more HTML information.</a> We hope this little html demonstration has helped you understand the hypertext markup language a little better.
Thanks for stopping by, and please come back soon!
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