Basic HTML tutorial part 2

Written by on Saturday, August 2, 2008 20:08 - 0 Comments

HTML basic tags

A simple web page can be written in a conventional text editor, such as Notepad.  the original implementation of html used a defined table of basic tags to modify the content of a document for viewing.  When called for display, the server would look at the header, determine any special handling instructions, and then pass the html file to a browser, where it would be laid out according to the formatting tags used.  Lists, tables, images, and links are all possible with just a few short commands, as well as controlling text size, background colors, and more.  While it is beyond the scope of this article to teach proper use, the following list encompasses most of the basic commands, and with a little experimentation, you’ll see how they work in no time.

The following list introduces most of the common HTML <body> tags:

<body background></body>   Tiles a gif or jpeg image file to create a patterned color
<body bgcolor></body>   Creates a colored background based on hexcidecimal #
<body></body>   All of the following commands are used between these tags.

Basic Text and Images:
<h1-h10></h1-h10>    Text is displayed in headline style, 1=large and 10=small..
<a href=”URL”>Link to click</a>  Hyperlink tag, replace URL with http://address. Must be contained in quotes.
<center></center>   Centers whatever is between the tags. works for  images or text
<b></b>     Any text between the tags is converted to Bold text
<i><i>     Any text between the tags is converted to Italic text
<br>     Inserts a line break. Does not require </br>, best to use it anyway.
<p>     Inserts a single blank line between text. Does not require </p>, but best to use it anyway.
<align=value>    Part of a tag that can align center, top, bottom, left, & right.
<hr>    Draws a line across the screen. Width and heigth may be defined.
<blink></blink>    Flashes text on and off (use rarely for emphasis)
<font size=#></font>  Change the relative font size=1-6 and + or -# to create more range (size=+1)
<img src=”URL”>   The tag display an  image.  Replace URL with http://address. Must be contained in quotes.
<alt>     Title of image for text-only web browsers or images off
<pre></pre>   Uses a typewriter font with spacing as pre-set. (not attractive)
<table></table>   Creates a data table for text or images
<tr></tr>     Table Row in a table
<td></td>    Table Data in a table row

<dl></dl>    Definition List
<dt></dt>    Definition Term
<dd> </dd>    Definition Defined
<ol> </ol>    Ordered List (numbered)
<ul> </ul>    Unordered List (bulleted)
<li>     Used on each line of a ordered or unordered list

</body> This tag closes the HTML portion of the document.

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