Everex Cloudbook review

Written by on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 23:40 - 0 Comments

Mobile ultra subcompact computers – Cloudbook

Priced at around $400, the Everex Cloudbook is an impressive subcompact computer.  It resembles an extremely small laptop, with the hinged keyboard, and overall design appearance.  The built-in operating system is gOS, a derivative of Linux OS, further adding to the impression of working on a full sized machine.  But the Cloudbook only has 512Mb of onboard memory, and upgrading could be a time consuming process.  The processor clocks out between 700-900Mhz, which is lower than the claimed 1.2Ghz, but still impressive in a subcompact computer.

In addition to an 800×480 screen resolution, the Cloudbook has a 30 GB hard drive, dual USB ports, and Ethernet connection, and built-in 802.11g wireless for impress wi-fi communications. High definition audio and a 7″ WVGA display combine to further add to attractiveness for use in mobile situations and multiple applications.  Considering it’s approximate pricetag of $400, this is an excellent machine for frequent travel uses, despite having a slower speed than most competitors, and and keypad that is sometimes difficult to operate.  Rather than a standard VGA external connector, the Everex Cloudbook offers a DVI out connector for flexibility in connecting to external displays.

Article written by MyComputerAid.com

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