How hot should my CPU run?

Written by on Saturday, June 28, 2008 12:47 - 0 Comments

how hot should your CPU run?

Well it depends on what type of CPU you are running, every CPU and model run a different temperatures.  The following specifications are for maximum running temperatures:

Intel Pentium D (dual core)
Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz) 63°C / 145.4°F
Pentium D 830 and 840 (3.0-3.2GHz) 69.8°C / 157.6°F

Pentium 4
P4 most models: 64°C / 147.2°F
P4 Willamette models: 78°C / 172.4°F
P4 Extreme Edition 3.2GHz/1.8GHz:  64°C – 78°C / 147.2°F – 172.4°F
Pentium M:  100°C / 212°F

Intel Celeron / Celeron
Celeron 900MHz-1.4GHz: 69-70°C / 158°F – 158°F
Celeron 1.7GHz and faster: 67-77°C  / 152°F – 171°F

AMD Athlon, Athlon 64, Opteron, Duron and Sempron
All Slot A CPUs (Athlon classic, Athlon Thunderbird): 70°C / 158°F
Athlon Socket A up to 1 GHz, Duron up to 1.3GHz: 90°C / 194°F
Athlon “Thunderbird” Socket A 1.1GHz or more: 95°C / 203°F
Athlon MP 1.33GHz or more: 95°C / 203°F
Athlon XP up to 2100+: 90°C / 194°F
Athlon XP 2200+ and faster: 85°C / 185°F
Duron “Applebred” 1.4G and faster: 85°C / 185°F
AMD Opteron: 69 or 70°C / 158°F
Athlon 64, 64FX, Sempron Most models: 70°C / 158°F
Athlon 64, 64FX, Sempron Socket 939 Athlon 64 models: 65°C / 149°F
Athlon 64 X2 (dual core): 65°C / 149°F




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