USB 1.1 vs. 2.0
Everybody uses USB nowadays – for mobile storage, printers, scanners and other accessories. Back then we worked with the USB 1.1. Now we have an upgrade to 2.0.
The question is: which is better, the USB 1.1 or USB 2.0?
We have to look into four specific players, namely (1) 1.1 USB cables, (2) 1.1 USB ports, (3) 2.0 USB cables and (4) 2.0 USB ports. This is because there is a concern regarding the compatibility of the two when crossing a 2.0 USB cable to a 1.1 USB port and vice-versa, especially since by the time 2.0 got out people already had hardware using 1.1.
But a review will show us that doing these cross connections don’t show any apparent negative effects at all. They tested this by using a 2.0 flash disk on a 1.1 USB port and vice versa. Thanks to the backward compatible capabilities of a 2.0 flash disk, it can very much work well with 1.1 USB devices with little or no effect on speed.
With that, it’s safe to say that 2.0 can only be a step forward to USB cables and ports alike, so don’t worry about having to pick between the two in terms of compatibility. Think abot more important stuff.
Technorati Tags: USB 1.1, USB 2.0

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