Access hotkeys and shortcuts

Written by on Friday, June 13, 2008 21:56 - 0 Comments

Common Hotkeys For Microsoft Access To Improve Productivity

Here you will find the most of the control keys (hotkeys) used in Microsoft Access.  By learning these simple keystrokes, you will find that you are more efficient, which translates into higher productivity.

General Control Commands:
F1    Display the Microsoft Access Help.
F11    Display the Database window.
F12    Open the Save As dialog box.
Ctrl+N    Open a new Database.
Ctrl+O    Open an existing Database.
Ctrl+P    Print the current or selected object.
Ctrl+S    Save the current Database object.
Ctrl+W   Close the active window.
Alt+Space   Display the Control menu.
Alt+F11   Toggle between the Visual Basic editor and the Access Database window.
Shift+F10   Display the  pop-up menu.
Text Editing:
F7    Check spelling.
Ctrl+C    Copy the selection to the Clipboard.
Ctrl+V    Paste the contents of the Clipboard to where the Insertion point is.
Ctrl+X    Cut the selection and copy it to the Clipboard.
Ctrl+Z    Undo typing.
Ctrl+Delete   Delete all characters to the Right of the Insertion point.
Ctrl+;    Insert the current date.
Ctrl+:    Insert the current time.
Ctrl+Alt+Space  Insert the default value for the field.
ESC    Undo changes in the current field.
    Press ESC a second time to undo changes to the current record.
Shift+F2   Open the Zoom box.

Finding and replacing text:
Ctrl+F    Open the Find Tab on the Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl+H    Open the Replace Tab on the Find and Replace dialog.
Shift+F4   Find the next occurrence of the value.

Selecting text in a field:
Shift+Right Arrow  Extends selection one character to the Right.
Shift+Left Arrow  Extends selection one character to the Left.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Extends selection one word to the Right.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Extends selection one word to the Left.

Moving the Insertion point in a field:
Right Arrow   Move one character to the Right.
Left Arrow   Move one character to the Left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow  Move one word to the Right.
Ctrl+Left Arrow  Move one word to the Left.
End    Move to the End of the field, in a single-line field.
Home    Move to the beginning of the field, in a single-line field.
Ctrl+End   Move to the End of the field, in a multi-line field.
Ctrl+Home   Move to the beginning of the field, in a multi-line field.

Hotkeys for a Datasheet/Form:

Ctrl++ (Plus)   Add a new record.
Ctrl+- (Minus)  Delete the current record.
Ctrl+;    Insert the current date.
Ctrl+:    Insert the current time.
Ctrl+Alt+Space  Insert the default value for the field.
Ctrl+ENTER   Insert a new line.
Shift+ENTER   Save changes to the current record.
Space    Toggle a check box or radio button.

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