Excel hotkeys and shortcuts

Written by on Thursday, June 12, 2008 20:42 - 0 Comments

Common Hotkeys In Excel To Help You Be More Productive

Being a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel is a powerful application.  Most of the functions built into Excel are available through hotkeys, also.  The following list is quite possibly the longest set of control keys available in a single type of application.  Your productivity would be greatly enhanced by learning these hotkeys, and applying them to your use of Excel.

General Purpose Hotkeys

Ctrl + N                 New file
Ctrl + O                 Open file
Ctrl + S                  Save file
Ctrl + F6                Move between open workbooks
Ctrl + F4                Close file
F12                         Save as
Ctrl + P                  Display the print menu
Ctrl + A                  Select whole spreadsheet
Ctrl + Space           Select column
Shift + Space          Select row
Ctrl + Z                  Undo last action
Ctrl + Y                  Redo last action
Equal (=)                Start a formula
Alt + F4                  Exit Excel 97

Navigation  Hotkeys

Tab                               Move to next cell in row
Shift + Tab                   Move to previous cell in row
Page Up                        Up one screen
Page Down                   Down one screen
Ctrl + Page Down         Move to next worksheet
Ctrl + Page Up              Move to previous worksheet
Ctrl + Home                  Go to first cell in data region
Ctrl + End                     Go to last cell in data region

Formatting Text In Worksheet

Ctrl + B                              Bold toggle for selection
Ctrl + I                                Italic toggle for selection
Ctrl + U                              Underline toggle for selection
Ctrl + 5                               Strikethrough for selection
Ctrl + Shift + F                   Change the font
Ctrl + Shift + P                   Change the font size
Ctrl + Shift + 7                   Apply outline borders
Ctrl + Shift + Underline      Remove all borders
Alt + Enter                          Wrap text in same cell

Formatting Cells

Ctrl + 1             Format cells
Ctrl + Shift + F                     Select font
Ctrl + Shift + P                     Select point size
Ctrl + Shift + 4                     Format as currency
Ctrl + Shift + #                     Format as general (to remove any formatting)
Ctrl + Shift + 5                     Format as percentage
Ctrl + Shift + 1                     Format as number

Editing/Deleting Text

Delete                           Delete one character to right
Backspace                     Delete one character to left
F2                                  Edit active cell
Escape Key                   Cancel cell entry

Highlighting Cells

Ctrl + A                                           Select entire worksheet
Shift + Spacebar                              Select entire row
Ctrl + Spacebar                               Select entire column
Hold Shift + Left Arrow Key            |
Hold Shift + Right Arrow Key          |    Manual    
Hold Shift + Up Arrow Key              | /    Select
Hold Shift + Down Arrow Key         |/

Copying and Moving Text

Ctrl + X                         Cut
Ctrl + C                         Copy
Ctrl + V                         Paste

Inserting Text Automatically

Alt + Equals Sign              Autosum a range of cells
Ctrl + ; (semicolon)           Insert the date
Ctrl + Shift + ;                    Insert the time
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus)        Insert columns/rows
Shift + F11                         Insert a new worksheet


Ctrl + F                                Find text
Ctrl + H                               Replace text dialog
F11                                      Create a chart automatically on new sheet
Shift + F2                             Edit a cell comment

Main Jaws Keystrokes In Excel

Ctrl + Shift + V                   Say Version of Excel
Ctrl + Page Down               Move to Next Sheet
Ctrl + Page Up                    Move to Prior Sheet
Ctrl + G                              Go to a cell command
Shift + Backspace               Collapse Selection To Active Cell
Insert + C                            Say Active Cell Coordinates
Alt + Equals                        AutoSum
Equals Sign                         Formula Mode
Ctrl + ; (semicolon)             Insert Date In Current Cell
Ctrl + Shift + ;                     Insert Time In Current Cell
Alt + 1                                 Current Column First Cell From Top
Alt + 2                                 Current Column Second Cell From Top
Alt + 3                                 Current Column Third Cell From Top
Alt + 4                                 Current Column Fourth Cell From Top
Ctrl + Left Arrow                Data Region Left
Ctrl + Right Arrow              Data Region Right
Ctrl + Down Arrow             Data Region Down
Ctrl + Up Arrow                  Data Region Up
Ctrl + Shift + 8                     Select Whole Data Region
Ctrl + F2                              Say Formula
F7                                         Spell Check
Alt + Shift + g                       Report Gridline Status
Insert + Delete                      Read Row Total
Insert + Enter                        Read Column Total
Alt + Shift + C                      Say Column Title
Alt + Shift + R                      Say Row Title
Alt + Shift + V                      Say Visible Range Coordinates
Tab                                       Cycle Through Controls in Dialog Box
Shift + Tab                            Tab Backwards
Ctrl + Shift + ‘ (apostrophe)  List Cells With Comments
Alt + Ctrl + 2                        Row Second Cell From Left
Alt + Ctrl + 1                        Row First Cell From Left
Alt + Ctrl + 3                        Row Third Cell From Left
Alt + Ctrl + 4                        Row Fourth Cell From Left
Alt + Shift + B                      Describe Cell Border
Alt + Shift + ‘ (apostrophe)   Read Cell Comment
Ctrl + Shift + A                     Auto Filter
Alt + Shift + H                      Read Cell Hyperlink
Ctrl + Insert + F4                  Close Office Assistant
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 1             Set Monitor Cell One
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 2             Set Monitor Cell Two
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 3             Set Monitor Cell Three
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 4             Set Monitor Cell Four
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 5             Set Monitor Cell Five
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 6             Set Monitor Cell Six
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 7             Set Monitor Cell Seven
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 8             Set Monitor Cell Eight
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 9             Set Monitor Cell Nine
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 0             Set Monitor Cell 10
Alt + Shift + 1                       Read Monitor Cell One
Alt + Shift + 2                       Read Monitor Cell Two
Alt + Shift + 3                       Read Monitor Cell Three
Alt + Shift + 4                       Read Monitor Cell Four
Alt + Shift + 5                       Read Monitor Cell Five
Alt + Shift + 6                       Read Monitor Cell Six
Alt + Shift + 7                       Read Monitor Cell Seven
Alt + Shift + 8                       Read Monitor Cell Eight
Alt + Shift + 9                       Read Monitor Cell Nine
Alt + Shift + 0                       Read Monitor Cell Ten
Ctrl + Shift + D                     List Visible Cells With Data
Ctrl + Shift + C                     Lists Data In Current Column
Ctrl + Shift + R                     List Data In Current Row
Ctrl + Shift + H                     Select Hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + S                     Move To Worksheet Listbox
Ctrl + Shift + M                    Move To Monitor Cell
Ctrl + Shift + O                     Select Worksheet Objects
Ctrl + Shift + B                     List Cells At Page Breaks
Insert + V                              Options Listbox

Article written by MyComputerAid.com

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