password protect Excel
MS Office and Excel enable password protection for files
When working in MS Office and Excel, you may occasionally need to protect files from prying eyes and searching fingers. This can be accomplished easily in Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, using the Password to Modify feature. This allows anyone to open and read the file, but modification requires a password.. The Password Protection feature offers greater security, in that a user cannot open the file at all without the proper password
The process for use is as follows:
To use read-only protection:
1. Open the file.
2. Click the Tools menu.
3. Click Options >> Security.
4. In the “Password to modify” box, enter a password.
5. “OK”.
6. Reenter the password in the verification box.
7. Click “OK”
To password protect a file:
1. Open the file.
2. Click the Tools menu.
3. Click Options >> Security.
4. In the “Password to modify” box, enter a password.
5. “OK”.
6. Reenter the password in the verification box.
7. Click “OK”
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