Resetting the Language for the Folder Names inside the Mailbox

Written by on Monday, September 15, 2008 22:21 - 0 Comments

Resetting the Language for the Folder Names inside the Mailbox

It is possible for the default language for folders in Exchange 2000/2003 and Outlook 2000/XP/2003 to be changed when a new mailbox is created or if one is moved between servers.  


The change is determined by the location and regional settings, although this is determined by the fact that the correct language was set up within the Exchange server.


Some clients, including older versions of Outlook, have their own restrictions that do not allow for some folder to be renamed. This can be overcome though with the use of Exchange clients to make the alterations required.


Users of later versions of Outlook can do this themselves by clicking on Start, Run and then entering Outlook.exe/resetfoldernames. This will allow for the renaming the folders to the client’s language.


Another option is use a basic .REG file and run it is a registry change for all networked computers. Running the file through a REGEDIT /S switch will then create the change.


The text for the .REG file should read –


“Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





The text should read 11.0 for Outlook 2003 versions.


An alternate method that also works is to have users have their mailboxes open in their first choice language on the first opening. This will ensure that folders are also created in their first choice language as well.

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