Change your screen resolution in Vista

Written by on Saturday, June 14, 2008 22:28 - 0 Comments

VISTA: How To Change The Screen Resolution

Screen resolution is equivalent to chaning the viewing size of the screen.  Higher resolutions give sharper images, and clearer text.  Keep in mind, however, that the higher the resolution, the smaller the displayed items will be.  If you prefer large text and images, use a smaller screen size, and vice versa.

Setting your screen resolution in Windows Vista is a simple process:

1. Right-click an empty area on the screen.
2. Click Properties.
2. Click Display Settings.
3. Adjust the slider.  The resolution to be used will be shown for each position of the slider.
4. Click Apply.  If you are instucted that restarting is required, Click Restart.
 A. If your computer is set to change the screen size without restarting, it will be adjusted.
 B. If the new size meets your needs, click OK.  If not, click Cancel, and try again.
5. Exit back to where you began.

Alternately, you may use the following method:

1. Click  START >> Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization >> Personalization
2. Click Display Settings.
3. Adjust the slider.  The resolution to be used will be shown for each position of the slider.
4. Click Apply.  If you are instructed that restarting is required, Click Restart.
 A. If your computer is set to change the screen size without restarting, it will be adjusted.
 B. If the new size meets your needs, click OK.  If not, click Cancel, and try again.
5. Exit back to where you began.

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