NAP Client state – Three ways to check the state.

Written by on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 3:55 - 0 Comments
This article discusses the three ways to check the NAP state on a client computer running Windows Vista and Windows XP with SP3.
NAP or Network Access Protection is a Server Component running on the Windows Server 2008 machine. Client component runs on Windows Vista and Windows XP with SP3. A NAP client can be in one of the three states: Restricted, Not Restricted, Probation. You can use the following commands to check the states: Ipconfig /all, NAPStat.exe, Netsh

  1.  Ipconfig /all Ipconfig /all shows the basic NAP client state. The output of the command should look like this:
    Windows IP Configuration Host Name………………………:
    Primary Dns Suffix…………….:
    Node Typ………………………..: System
    Quarantine State……: Not Restricted
  2. NAPStat.exe This is the executable that places the NAP icon in the System Tray notification area. The NAPStat.exe will associate a balloon popup with the current state of the NAP Client. You can also double click on the System Tray icon to get more information about the state. You should see a message similar to this: “Your computer is compliant with the requirements of this network” You have full network access.
  3. Netsh NAP Client The next command is “Netsh NAP client” context that can be used to show detailed NAP client state information. For our purpose, we will use “Netsh NAP Client Show state” command. This command displays the state information in three sections: Client State, Enforcement Client State, and System Health Agent. The output of Client State will be similar to this:
    Client State: Name…………………….:
    Network Access Protection Client Status…………………….: Enabled
    Restriction State…..: Not restricted.

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