Preventing device installs
Another way you can configure Vista to prevent certain kinds of devices from being installed.
Another way Vista lets you prevent new devices from being installed is by specifying the PnP hardware ID of the device type you want to prohibit. To do this, edit local Group Policy as follows:
1. Type gpedit.msc in the Start Search box and hit Enter.
2. Click Continue when the UAC prompt appears.
3. Navigate to the following policy location:
Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemDevice Installation Restrictions
4. Enable the following policy setting:
Prevent installation of devices that match these device IDs
5. Click Show
6. Click Add
7. Specify the device ID of the type of device you want to prevent from being installed. For example, to prevent USB combined devices like a keyboard with integrated pointing device from being installed, specify the following device ID:
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