Vista add my computer to task bar

Written by on Thursday, June 12, 2008 20:27 - 0 Comments

VISTA: How To Add My Computer To The Task Bar

Most users find that it is simpler for them to add My Computer to the taskbar than to constantly minimize applications, or click the START button.  Only 5 short steps are required to do this, and you will probably be happy with the efficiency it provides.

Follow these steps:

1. Right-click an empty spot on the taskbar.
2. Select “Toolbars”
3. Click “New Toolbar”.
4. Click the My Computer icon
5. Click “Select Folder”.

The icon should now be visible on the task bar.  By clicking the small arrow, a list of drives in My Computer will pop up, giving you easy instant access.  Some peaople add “Desktop” to the taskbar, also, and that can be done using the same method.

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