Posts Tagged ‘Process “Don’t Kill List”’
2003 server - Saturday, March 1, 2008 2:02 - 0 Comments
Process “Don’t Kill List”
Processes you should avoid killing with Task Manager
If you have a hung application on a system, you can of course use Task Manager to kill it. But be careful what you kill — some processes are critical to the operation of Windows and killing them can render your system unstable or even cause it to hang and require rebooting.
The following user mode processes should never be killed using Task Manager: alg, csrss, dfssvc, explorer, lsass, msdtc, services, smss, spoolsv, svchost, system, System Idle, taskmgr, winlogon and wmiprvse. Some of these processes in fact can’t be killed using Task Manager, but you don’t even want to try in any case.
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