Configure ABE from the command line

Written by on Saturday, March 1, 2008 2:19 - 0 Comments

How to configure ABE from the command line.

Implementing Access-Based Enumeration (ABE) on your Windows Server 2003 R2 file servers can help protect the privacy of sensitive business documents stored on your network. In my article titled Implementing Access-Based Enumeration in Windows Server 2003 R2 here on, I explain how to download and install a component that adds a user interface element (the ABE tab) to the properties sheets of your shared folders so you can enable/disable ABE on a per-share basis on your R2 file servers. In addition to the user interface however, you can also configure ABE from the command-line using abecmd.exe. This command-line tool lets you enable or disable ABE on a share, specify a server name to configure ABE on a remote server, and use the /all option to enable or disable ABE on all shared folders on a file server.

In addition, if you don’t want to install the GUI component of ABE on all your file servers, you can install it on a test server and then copy the abecmd.exe file from your %SystemRoot%system32 directory into the same directory on your file servers. Or optionally, if you only want the GUI component of ABE on your file servers and not the command-line tool, you can copy the abeui.dll file from the %SystemRoot%system directory your test server to the same directory on your file servers and then register the dll by running the command regsvr32.exe %SystemRoot%system32abeui.dll on each file server. Don’t forget that this only works on Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 servers.

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