Setting up a VPN on the Go

Written by on Monday, March 3, 2008 7:21 - 0 Comments

Setting up a VPN in Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP is something that is fairly easy to do in no time at all. Here is a no fluff guide on how to get it done.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a method used for creating a secure encrypted tunnel between two network endpoints. Creating a VPN in Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 has many advantages in a variety of different network scenarios. Setting up a simply VPN is a very quick and painless process that can be achieved in no time at all.

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Double-click the “Network Connections” icon

3. Click “Create New Connection” in the left hand side of the window.

4.Click “Next” and then select “Setup an advanced connection” and click “Next” again

5. Select “Accept incoming connections” and click “Next”

6. Click “Next”

7. Select “Allow virtual private connections” and click “Next”

8. Place a checkmark next to the users you wish to allow to connect and click “Next”

9. Click “Next” and then click “Finish”

It’s as simple that! As an added note, if you are behind a router you will want forward port 1723 which is standard for PPTP. There are obviously several other ways to implement VPN but this is your basic setup.

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