Uninstalling WSUS

Written by on Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:50 - 0 Comments

One common problem you may encounter with WSUS is when you go to uninstall it. WSUS has a nasty habit of simply not uninstalling correctly. Here is a quick way to remedy this.

Windows Server Update Services is a really great idea for networks of virtually any size. However, you may run into situations where you have to uninstall it from a server for various reasons. Although the uninstallation may seem to go smooth at first, it is when you reinstall it that you will notice that something is wrong.

Typically, when running the installation file for WSUS to install it after an uninstallation, you will be prompted with the uninstallation screen a second time. This is because even though you may have selected to remove all of the components, the uninstallation doesn’t always remove all of them.

The best way to remove everything completely is to clean it with Microsoft’s Windows Installer CleanUp utility. You can download this utility at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;290301. Simply install it, run it, select WSUS from the menu, and choose Remove. After doing this WSUS should be completely removed from your system.

Article written by MyComputerAid.com

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