Using a Batch File for Resetting Domain Passwords

Written by on Saturday, March 1, 2008 2:56 - 0 Comments

Occasionally someone in your organization will need to be able to reset passwords of others without having access to active directory. This can be achieved with a simple batch file…

In some organizations the need may arise for a member of staff to be able to reset passwords for users without having to access the Active Directory users and computers snap-in. One solution for this is to setup a batch file that will allow the staff member to do this in an automated fashion. This can be accomplished by using the often underestimated NET command.

The following file named “pwreset.bat” will do exactly what we wish to accomplish:

@echo off
SET /P usr=Please enter the username you wish to reset the password for:
net user %usr% * /DOMAIN

Once you run pwreset.bat the file prompts the staff member for the username of the account they wish to reset. After this it prompts for what the password should be set to, then requests the password be typed a second time for confirmation purposes. Once this is done the user account is updated on the domain controller and you are good to go!

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