Verifying Adprep
How to verify if Adprep has done its job.
Say you’re migrating your Windows 2000 network to Windows Server 2003, so you run adprep /forestprep and adprep /domainprep to prepare your forest and domain for the upgrade. How do you know if all your domain controllers have been upgraded and have replicated afterwards? Two commands are helpful here: repadmin /replsum will give you summary information you can utilize, and repadmin /showrepl will tell you if the schema partition has replicated. Plus you can check the schema version numbers, which correspond to different platforms as follows:
Windows 2000 has schema version 13
Windows 2000 with Exchange 2000 has version 17
Windows Server 2003 has version 30
Windows Server 2003 R2 has version 31
To determine your schema version on a domain controller, open Registry Editor and navigate to the Schema Version registry subkey found under HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters.
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