Catalog Servers not responding in Exchange 2003

Written by on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 23:00 - 0 Comments

Catalog Servers in Use Are Not Responding on Exchange Server 2003

The most common reason that a Catalog Server is not responding is that the Exchange server has network interfaces on more than one domain, and is trying to locate the global catalog servers on the wrong network.  This isn’t a major problem, and is generally easy to correct.

There are some notes, however that should be checked out:

* The domain controller must not be a node in a server cluster.
* Installing Exchange on a domain controller may affect that domain controller.  In this case, manually start the Exchange-related services.
* The domain controller running Exchange must be a global catalog server.

1. Click START >> Control Panel.
2. Click Network Connections.
3. Click Advanced >> Connections.
4. Move your global catalog server to the top of the list.

Exchange server updates every 15 minutes, so it may take a few minutes before the change becomes effective.  Once Exchange server updates, the global catalog server should respond correctly, and everything will be working normally.

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