MSSQL versions overview
Microsoft SQL version review
Microsoft SQL server is offered in two different editions, like many Microsft products. The basic version is SQL Server Standard (SSS), the more upscale and feature rich version is referred to as SQL Server Enterprise (SSE). SSS is a server that is complete for the needs it was designed for. It has a user friendly interface along with manageability for running applications to be used in a smaller corporate setting. SSE is a more comprehensive edition used more for larger data warehousing. They both come standard with many features such as x32,x64,andI64 hardware support, predictable query performance, SSIS package designer and service, and Log Stream Compression.
The SSE comes with many features not available on the SSS. Some of these features are scale out operational report configuration, Advanced DM algorithms, Account intelligence, and proactive caching. The decision whether to invest in standard or enterprise edition lies solely in the corporation’s needs. If the organization only needs a server to do basic reporting and not handle a mass amount of data in a small amount of time, then a cost effective secision would be to go with SQL Server Standard edition. On the other hand, if the organization needs to process a lot of data and handles a massive number of reports the SQL Server Enterprise is a wise choice.
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