Posts Tagged ‘junk mail’
Exchange 2003 - Wednesday, December 17, 2008 22:57 - 0 Comments
Reporting Junk Email Spam reporting
Reporting Junk Email Spam reporting
Microsoft has recently released a new tool that allows for junk email to be reported as such, especially for those mails that have eluded the built in spam defences.
The tool allows for spam email to be forwarded to Microsoft through the use of the junk email button. You will need to confirm that you want to send the mail to FrontBridge, part of the Microsoft group, and once confirmed the message will be removed from your inbox. Once sent you will receive back a confirmation email.
By sending the junk mail to Microsoft you will be helping the company to discover just how spammers are operating, what tricks they are employing and also what tools they are using to bypass spam filters. There is nothing confidential that is being sent on and so will help in the long run to reduce the number of junk emails that everyone receives
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