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Windows XP - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 17:20 - 0 Comments
XP adding multiple users
Windows XP: How to Add Users (works on XP Home and XP Pro not on a domain)
Whether in an office requiring users to log on to different machines during the course of business, or in a home situation where parents want services not suggested for the young ones, multiple user accounts can be an important issue. In Windows XP, setting up multiple accounts is fast and easy. It only takes a minute or two, and the new account is ready for use.
Only the administrator can set up a new user account, if there is only one user currently on that machine (or network), that user is the administrator account. Here are 7 easy steps to follow for creating new user accounts, followed by the steps to make other user modifications:
1. Click START >> Control Panel >> User Accounts
2. Select “Adding New Accounts”
3. Click “Create A New Account”
4. Enter a name for the new user.
5. Click Next
6. Select an account type: Administrator or Limited.
Administrator access can change the computer, Limited access can’t.
7. Click “Create Account ”
In order to add or change passwords, do this:
1. Click START >> Control Panel >> User Accounts
2. Select an account from the list shown.
3. Click “Create A Password”
4. Enter the desired password for that account.
5. Follow the instructions for password protection to folders you want restricted.
To change between users, simply follow these intructions (no need to reboot):
1. Click START >> Log Off >> Switch Users
That’s it! Notice that access levels have changed (providing they were different for that user).
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