Posts Tagged ‘powerpoint keys’
Microsoft Powerpoint - Thursday, June 12, 2008 20:46 - 0 Comments
Powerpoint hotkeys and shortcuts
Common hotkeys in Powerpoint to help you be more productive
Frequent users of Powerpoint can appreciate the hotkeys built into it. From giving fast access to common commands to special hotkeys designed expressly to simplify processes, these hotkeys are indispensible to anyone whose productivity depends on getting the job quickly and efficiently.
These keyboard shorcuts can also be found in the help index of PowerPoint.
Keys for Editing Text and Objects
Backspace Delete one character to the left
Ctrl+Backspace Delete one word to the left
Delete Delete one character to the right
Ctrl+Delete Delete one word to the right
Ctrl+X Cut selected object
Ctrl+C Copy selected object
Ctrl+V Paste cut or copied object
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Keys for Moving Around Text
Left Arrow One character to the left
Right Arrow One Character to the right
Up Arrow One character Up
Down Arrow One Character Down
Ctrl+Left Arrow One word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow One word to the right
End To the end of a line
Home To the start of a line
Ctrl+Up Arrow Up one paragraph
Ctrl+Down Arrow Down one paragraph
Ctrl+End To end of textbox
Ctrl+Home To start of textbox
Ctrl+Enter To the next title or body text placeholder
Shift+F4 To repeat the last Find action
Keys for Working in an Outline
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow Promote a paragraph
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow Demote a paragraph
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow Move selected paragraphs up
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow Move selected paragraphs down
Alt+Shift+1 Show heading level 1
Alt+Shift+Plus Expand text below a heading
Alt+Shift+Minus Collapse text below a heading
Alt+Shift+A Show all text or headings
Keys for Selecting Text and Objects
Select text with SHIFT+(arrow keys, Home, End)
Tab or Shift+Tab An Object
Ctrl+A All objects (slide view)
Ctrl+A All slides (slide sorter view)
Ctrl+A All text (outline view)
Moving and Selecting
Ctrl+Right Arrow Start of word
Ctrl+Left Arrow End of word
Home Start of line
End End of line
Ctrl+home Start of Document
Ctrl+end End of Document
Slide Show Controls
N, Enter or Spacebar Advance to next slide
P, backspace or PgUp Return to Previous Slide
[number]+Enter Go to slide
B Display a black screen or return to show from a black screen
W Display a white screen or return to show from a white screen
S Stop or start an automatic slide show
Esc End a slide show
E Erase on-screen annotations
H Go to next hidden slide
T Set new timings while rehearsing
O Use original timings while rehearsing
M Use mouseclick to advance while rehearsing
Both Mouse buttons for 2 seconds Return to first slide
Ctrl+P Change the pointer to a pen
Ctrl+A Change the pen to a pointer
Ctrl+H Hide the pointer and button temporarily
Ctrl+L Hide the pointer and button always
Shift+F10 or right click Display the shortcut menu
F1 Show list of controls
Ctrl + Shift + M New Slide
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