Posts Tagged ‘web browser’
Internet - Sunday, September 14, 2008 9:10 - 0 Comments
Google Chrome browser overview
Google Chrome – Make it work for you!
Google Chrome has been available for just over a week now, and the reviews are mixed. I must admit that at first I was cynical about the browser myself, but after a few days of use, I’ve come to understand that Chrome is more than just a web browser. Google Chrome is an interface between you and everything on the other side of the keys, buttons, and mouse clicks. Java and other script languages can be run from stand-alone desktop shortcuts, and load in a dedicated Chrome window without any of the clutter of other web browsers, which interfere with you getting to the data you need. The examples here will be for Windows, but should work equally well for any operating system.
For instance, if you write for a WordPress blog, you can get there from your desktop. Goto the login url. You may either enter the login process and let Google remember it for you, or start with a blank login each time. With Google, simply click on the icon for “control the current page”, and select “Create application shortcuts”. You may save the link to your taskbar, desktop, or the quick launch bar. Treat it just like any other shortcut. Note that when the you open the desktop icon, your blog login opens in a “clean” browser window, without any browser toolbars to interfere. This isn’t exactly a new way to create the links, but the way they are handled by default is revolutionary. Want to watch a video? Drag it to a Google Chrome window. Listen to a song? Drag it into Chrome. Some applications must be dropped inside the window, others must be dropped in the location box, and yes, I have gotten different results with different methods.
Essentially, being able to open a web-based application in this way opens the door for being a major force in the evolution of human connectivity to the global network. Documents saved in Google Docs are available to you anywhere you have a network connection, even on a growing number of handheld devices. Stock tickers, news feeds, and a whole gamut of applications that run in a web browser can be accessed just as though they were an installed component on every computer you ever use to get online.
Web 2.0 applications are becoming the norm on social networking sites. They even provide games that can be accessed seamlessly from your desktop. Google Chrome isn’t exactly a web browser, but neither is it exactly an operating system. It combines essential aspects of both to crate a faster, smoother atmosphere for the growing number of people who use the Internet for business productivity as well as personal leisure. Perhaps the initial lack of plugins for Google Chrome can be related to ability to instantly create your unique desktop configurations.
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